Why not borrow from the boys, with this modern (and very feminine!) riff on a boy cut? Beautifully cut layers and a tapered neck mix downtown cool with uptown style.
- Memory Cap Base – A resilient stretchy lace that actually molds to the shape of your head for a custom like fit.
- Monofilament Top - where the fiber is individually knotted, one by one on the entire top, for a low density, natural forward movement and parting flexibility.
- Smooth Velcro Straps – allows you to loosen or tighten the cap up to a half inch.
- Polyurethane front rim accommodates tape attachment for added security, if desired.
Suitable for Oval, Square and Pear shaped faces.
Why not borrow from the boys, with this modern (and very feminine!) riff on a boy cut? Beautifully cut layers and a tapered neck mix downtown cool with uptown style.
- Memory Cap Base – A resilient stretchy lace that actually molds to the shape of your head for a custom like fit.
- Monofilament Top - where the fiber is individually knotted, one by one on the entire top, for a low density, natural forward movement and parting flexibility.
- Smooth Velcro Straps – allows you to loosen or tighten the cap up to a half inch.
- Polyurethane front rim accommodates tape attachment for added security, if desired.
Suitable for Oval, Square and Pear shaped faces.